Less WASTE, so we can TASTE the future!
 NEWS - Aliwal Noord High School

On Wednesday 27 July 2022, the ANHS Land Service members were challenged to create an entire outfit made from waste material, and as always they did not disappoint. They were also challenged to create a new slogan for recycling and waste management.

The creativity of the learners exceeded all...

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Atleet om dop te hou!
 NEWS - Aliwal Noord High School

Robert Orrock is een van twee Junior Vrystaat seuns wat kwalifiseer vir die ASA 10km kampioenskappe wat die 13de Augustus plaasvind by die Pilditch Stadion in Pretoria.

Ons is baie trots op jou, Robert!

Landloop Liga 6
 NEWS - Aliwal Noord High School

Die Landloop atlete het Vrydag 29 Julie 2022 in Bloemfontein gehardloop.

Landloop uitslae:

Ashleigh Shaw: 15:30 (4km)
Gift Manamane: 16:00 (4km)
Robert Orrock: 27:34 (8km)
Angelique Kretsenger: 22:19 (4km)
Cwenga Thulelo: 16:07 (4km)

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ANHS Soccer vs. Cathcart
 NEWS - Aliwal Noord High School

Our Soccer gents showed their mettle this weekend against Cathcart. Cathcart dominated from the start and scored a goal in the opening minutes of the match. Our captain, Asiphile Jubase, fought back and managed to equalise with a beautiful free kick. Unfortunately, the second half did not sway in...

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